Another two weeks gone. It is absolutely amazing how fast time flies. All it seems I do is work and drive. The paychecks are nice, but no consistent time home is a bit tiresome. I haven’t been to my church in the past 6 weeks!
Speaking of church, here are a couple of thoughts… I have had the opportunity to visit a couple of new churches. I am always frustrated at trying to find a new church in the area. I am beginning to think that if they have the adjective “life”, “living”, or “alive” in the name, try those first. I guess they have to have something going on, or they would automatically be hypocritical.
I was able to attend a normal Baptist church, and it seems quite the same across the country. Polite men in suits handing out bulletins at the door. Groups, families, or cliques, sitting from the middle to the back of the church, choir with mostly older people, one song and then the greeting when everybody is friendly for the 30 second greeting time, (primarily with the people they are friends with), hymns, one “contemporary” song (two if they are really progressive), offering, sermon, invitation, baptism of a kid or two, closing prayer, and everybody is off to lunch. Going in as a first time visitor, it is very noticeable how friendly or not people are. It really is no wonder how people get out of church, or are never in, how difficult it is for people to get back in.
It is probably needless to say, but I went to a different church the next week. Now this church blew me away. I was greeted by at least 12 people going into the beginning of the service. Two men gave me their phone numbers, and invited me to their houses anytime I needed a place to get away from the rig. One of the two pastors invited me to lunch afterwards. I needed sleep, so didn’t go, but met with him for lunch during the week. It is amazing what a difference seeing people who really want to be at church and enjoy it is from people who are just doing it for whatever reason.
On other notes: I was able to make a trip to Jonesboro again for the second time. I was able to get a copy of my great-great grandparents marriage certificate. Pretty cool that they let me back into the vault and go through the big binders. I actually got to handle the very same paper they signed! That was pretty cool. To think that they were actually there in that town, walking the same streets over 100 years ago.
Work has been the same, a lot, and a lot of driving. The paychecks have allowed me to pay off two credit cards in the last two pay periods though. That is exciting! I have one credit card left! That will be paid off by August 2. I cannot wait. Next step is a party, a fairly expensive toy (haven’t decided what that will be yet) and on to the final step, of getting my house paid off.
I have been so blessed to meet several people in the last month or so that are out or getting out of debt. Two couples at church at home, and one at church here in Arkansas. I have had several people in the past tell me that it is impossible for people to live without debt in this modern American culture. I beg to differ. Not only am I on my way to doing it, I know people who are doing it! And that is exciting.
Well, I better get some sleep for today. Hopefully I will get off this weekend.