Wednesday, December 10, 2008

33 Days

Is a long time to be at work. I got off Sunday, but have been sick, so it feels like I am still not off. It is so good though to be home, at my own house, awake during daylight hours. This time off has been very difficult switching back to a day schedule, for some reason. (33 working nights probably has something to do with it.) Usually within two days I can be back to a regular sleeping schedule, but I keep waking up at 2:00 in the morning. Even Nyquil which usually puts me out for a straight 4 hours isn't helping. Strange times.

It's December! I love December. Part of it is the cold weather. Part of it is Christmas. Part of it is the month of my birthday. There is just something about the combination that I love.

There are a lot of things going through my head right now, and with my head stopped up, and my nose running, it probably will not come out just right. So I will save my thoughts till later, and enjoy a cold afternoon, waiting out a cold, resting in my warm bed, reading. (Another great reason for cold weather: warm bed, good book)

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