Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I have been out of touch for a little while now. I have used the excuse of my computer crashing, and thus not being able to use my internet at the house, but I do have a backup work computer, and have access to the internet at friend’s house, library, coffee shop, and plenty at work. So like usual, there really is no excuse, just lack of priority.

(I have learned however that I do not NEED internet at the house. I have been getting a lot more reading in, which is a good thing.)

I have been thinking and praying a lot lately. To be honest I am a little scared. I am nervous about the coming months. Part of me is very excited, but part is very scared. I am conflicted when it comes to change. I like change, but I like to know what is coming. If I have a good idea of what is coming, then I am OK. Right now I have no idea what is coming. There are so many options.

A couple of things I would like to cover in future (not too distant future) posts:
Reading list review
Natural disasters
The Church
Time, priorities, and goals

I am back at work at the moment after a very good weekend at home. I was able to come back just before Ike hit, and was able to help out with the shelter that was set up at our church. We are very blessed.

1 comment:

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

I have found that there are a lot of things we don't really NEED, just want...internet, cable, etc...they are just a trap to suck us in and waste time.

It is hard stepping out to the unknown especially in regards to work and finances, but know that God will never let go and He will grow you so much in this.