Well, not your normal, cross the country with a group of friends and/or family, camping out under the stars, visiting historical landmarks, and cultural icons, and long lost relatives, but just… driving to work. Yes, my life is not normal. I get paid to drive 9 hours across state lines, into Arkansas and back.
So I am asking for any suggestions on how to pass the time.
Normally I have been scanning radio stations or just thinking in silence. But there has to be some more informative, educational, fun, interesting things to do for hours on end. And that is not hazardous to driving.
And as far as road trips go, that has got me thinking of past road trips. My family has been on some monster road trips. The first that I can remember (driving in my mom’s belly from LA to Pennsylvania and back in a VW bug does not count) was with those crazy parents of mine moving from Oregon to Texas.
4 kids ages 7, 5, 3, and 1? Packed with all our belongings in a yellow school bus, towing a pickup truck behind us. Dad took out all the seats and stuffed all we had into that bus. It was great for us kids. We had a huge bed, and play area the whole trip. I don’t remember much about that trip, but what I remember was the good time we had. We being the kids. I will have to ask my parents how well they enjoyed it.
Another road trip the family took was the reverse route visiting the grandparents. The first leg from Texas to Colorado with some friends of ours. A 24 hour drive with 6 kids, 2 adults crammed into a Buick. That was crazy as well. I think I was 14 at the time. And that was just the first leg. We ended up driving our grandparents to Oregon, then took the bus from Oregon to LA to visit some relatives there, and back to Texas. Wow, those were the days!
So anyway to get back to topic… any suggestions? I was thinking books on CD, but I need a good source, preferably inexpensive. How about the iPod? I have heard good things about it. Any driving games that can be played solitaire?
This should be interesting. And since I am spending a 9 hour commute at least 4 times a month right now, I probably should be spending more time planning it. So thanks for your help.