Friday, December 14, 2007

To Blog or Not to Blog?

I am reluctant to start a blog. I have been weighing the pros and cons, and have finally decided to take the plunge.

I am almost 30. 30 this week! Some would say I am still young, some would say I am old. What is it about a nice round number that makes us stop and think? We humans are funny that way. Not too much difference really between 29 or 31.

Anyway, it is crazy to me that I am already 30 years old. And I know many people have said the same things I am feeling. That I do not “feel” 30, and time just keeps speeding faster and faster.

Honestly, I feel like I have wasted my 20’s. I have just kind of skipped by, and let life take me along. I have learned, but I have not really studied. I hope to change that.

Here are a couple of topics I am currently pursuing, or hope to pursue…

God…Jesus…The Holy Spirit – Who are these that would actually want a personal relationship with me!? And what does that mean? How do I get so carried away with other insignificant things?

No debt! –

Prepared for life and all that entails – Solidify beliefs, build character, prepared for family

Learn to learn, and learn to teach

Anyway, here’s a little I hope to accomplish with this blog:

I hope to share a little about myself to those who may be interested

I hope to get back to journaling somewhat

I hope to get some of these crazy ideas out of my head so I can quit thinking about them, and possibly get some good feedback on them.

Thank you so much for your time, and I look forward to communicating with you all.




D.O. said...

Yeah man, good stuff... I think you'll be happy you started the blog. I'm happy I started mine, and I haven't said anything significant on it for over two years!

Enjoy, and feel free to ask if you've got any questions.

Simone said...

Yea! We're blogging friends! Thanks for your comment on my story. :-) I look forward to reading more of your posts!