Saturday, April 19, 2008

Day Four

Weight this evening 191.6

Estimated calories:

Bowl of cereal and milk 150

Excellent hamburger (1/2 pound) 680, 3 deviled eggs 225, strawberries, 46

2 soft tacos homemade (1/3 pound of meat) 450

Total estimated 1351

Yesterday was a busy day. I was able to attend the Community Picnic our church had with several other churches. Just around the corner from my house. I rode my bike there, and played a couple games of football.

I left and went to Waco, where I supervised some neighborhood kids mowing my lawn. Then I went and spent some time with the parents in Coolidge. So I spent the night there and had lunch today with friends and family in Corsicana. Good times.

This has kind of thrown off my “diet” a little. I didn’t realize how many calories beef was, so I ate plenty, not overeating, but not with restraint. I think that is partially showing in the weight this evening.

I leave for work in the early morning, so I have to go pack. Fun times.

April 19, 2008

Day Three

Weight this morning 190.2

Estimated calories:

5 pancakes 225, margarine 75, honey 60, 8 oz of milk 130 = 490

banana 105

hamuburger, lettuce, onion, two packets of ketchup apprx. 680

1/2 can of pineapple 140, banana 105, 5 dry pancakes left over 225

1 can of pepsi (there were no more water after 2 tag-football games) 125

barbeque sandwhich apprx. 400, small bag of chips 160

Total estimated: 2430

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