Saturday, January 19, 2008

Spring Cleaning II

Well things are coming along slowly but surely. I believe I mentioned that I have 2 junk rooms, when in fact I have 3. I forgot the back porch which houses most of my tools and work clothes. I can proudly announce that 2 of the 3 have been gone through and at least organized to a small degree.

Here is another brief list of things I ran across: mini-collections of old photos, baseball cards, maps, stamps, money both foreign and domestic, media such as CD’s, DVD’s, 3.5 inch diskettes, paper, notebooks, pens, file folders and such. Personal items such as love letters, (with an embarrassed grin), old ID cards, tools, work clothes.

It is a trip to me to see how much stuff I have collected. I often think how I would love to be my own grandkid going through my stuff in 50 years. And that thought often goes along with wanting to see my own funeral, etc.

On a side note, I must mention that I have been extremely encouraged to work on my house by the Hendricks. I have been fortunate to be able to help a little with the 2-room expansion of the upstairs of their beautiful 100+ year old house. Aaron’s work ethic is pretty amazing. He and Mike stayed up until 5:30AM one morning. And that is after several nights of midnight plus. I figure that if he can do what he has done with a full time job, wife, and kids, then I should be able to do something to my house, with my schedule of days off in a row, and few other distractions.

So that is what I have been up to for the last 4 days. And quite honestly I am enjoying it. The next part is the hard part – re-flooring and possibly re-plumbing the bathroom. I hate plumbing. Maybe I will avoid that and work in the yard. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you, Jimmy! Spring cleaning and it's not even Spring yet.

Do you ever ask yourself..."Will my grandkids really care about these things?" For instance I found some writing samples from 3rd grade in my move to Austin...I doubt if 2 generations from now kids are going to care how terrible their Nanna's handwriting was. How do you decide what to save?

Jimmy B said...

Hi Jess! Yes, I believe spring cleaning can be done at anytime of the year, even any part of the decade as in my case.

Deciding what to save? Pretty easy on my part... If in doubt, keep it. That is my motto. Then they can decide what to do with it, when they get it. But they should know that there may be things within all the stuff that just might be valuable at that time. Who knows, Mexico just might dominate the world in two generations, and pesos from 1997, just might be priceless. :) By that time it won't really matter to me, as I will be gone. But at least they will have the option.