This may be a long post.
I have been thinking and fighting myself and God lately about my way of living life. I know without a doubt that God has called us/me to live life all out, all for Him. He has bought us with a price (His life), and we owe Him our lives. He tells us to love Him with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strengths, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. I KNOW this, but still have a hard time doing it.
The big things for me are food and sleep. My nemesis: Ding Dongs/chocolate
I could probably eat Ding Dongs all day every day. With my job not being all that active, combined with a lack of self-motivation for exercise, I have been gaining some weight. Not a good thing. Most noticeable was my trip to the state park in

I was WALKING down to an attraction, not more than 50 yards, and I was huffing and puffing. So out of shape. Not to mention the bulge around my waist. I am up to 194.4 lbs.
This week I have been thinking about it, and have decided to go on a diet. Now I hate diets, but the time has come. An experiment of sorts. I do like experiments. For 10 days I will be logging/blogging my diet. The current plan is to eat half or less of what I usually eat. No soft drinks or juice, just water. No sweets. In the past I have gone an entire year without sugar, so I know I can do it. Why 10 days? Because that is how long Daniel’s diet was in the Bible to show a difference. And I can be a little impatient, and I am anxious to see how much I can lose in just 10 days.
I think the hardest part will be changing my eating habits, especially as I change atmospheres of home and work. I really like a Mountain Dew (or two) with M&M’s driving to
Part two of the diet will be exercise. I hate running for no reason. Many props to runners out there. I know of the theory of second wind euphoria, I have just never experienced it that I knew of. Perhaps during a game, but that is entirely different. Mind occupied, focus on the ball, not on my lungs and stomach wanting to burst. So I have rented my brother’s cool mountain bike to ride. We will see how this will work out. Hopefully it will work well.
So, to start my diet, I have refrained from breakfast this morning, and I rarely ever miss breakfast. I plan on an orange, and half a can of pineapple for lunch, with a bowl of plain white rice. Tonight I have breakfast at Hope Group, so I will indulge a little, but only ½ of what I would normally eat. That is the plan, I will update on how it goes.
On other more important matters: We got a brief update on Chloe. The endoscopy showed some inflammation, which is what is thought to be causing her to throw up. The treatment plan is to put her on some steroids, and should be seeing some improvement in 3 or 4 days. Hopefully by then she can be taken home. Please also be in prayer for my brother Ben and Courtney as they deal with all this in their first child. I know it is difficult.
Daniel only ate fruits and ding dongs!!
Seriously, do not skip breakfast. Eat oatmeal and eat a high protein diet if you are going to be excercising (which you have to even if you are not trying to lose weight). Do not deprive your body of food (good for you food) because it will go into starvation mode and begin to hord everything you eat and you won't lose weight.
Still praying.
Thank you for the reminder Kathryn. Normally I never miss breakfast. I did today, just because I ate so much yesterday.
Thank you so much for your prayers for Chloe.
How many Hope Groups are you in???
I am in two Hope Groups. :)
The reasoning is so that with my schedule being erratic, if I were in town briefly (the way it was) then I would be able to catch at least one of them.
Or if I was out of town one week, I could double up the week I was in town.
I'm not going to lie....I am a little bit jealous about your being in two HGs!!! And I am glad you're able to catch one even if it's not with us.
How's Chloe doing? Send us an email with an update if you get a chance! She's definitely being lifted up in prayer!
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